30 Funny Memes Tracing the Evolution of COD
Does Call of Duty have a deep story? Maybe. Is Call of Duty a franchise worth playing? Probably. That being said, there's only one absolute when it comes to the biggest Activision franchise.
It is the fact that this game is an exploding barrel of random memes where each meme is worst than the other. Let us take a deep dive into 30 such memes.
It is the fact that this game is an exploding barrel of random memes where each meme is worst than the other. Let us take a deep dive into 30 such memes.
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Call of Duty has been since 2003 and according to UberFacts, has been played (a cumulative time) longer than humans have existed. There are few games that have defined the FPS shooter genre like COD, and even fewer games, except maybe Skyrim, which have affected memes. So while these aren't all the COD memes in the world, these are some that show just how long COD players have expressed their feeling about their favorite, and at times least favorite game. -
Let's be honest, to each their own. I mean, who are we to complain if the person is running while sniping or knifing while camping at the end of the day? What matters is the tea-bagging. -
Here is the oldest Call of Duty meme of them all. But don't they say, old is gold. Moreover, a Knife in the foot sounds pretty deadly if not treated for a month or so. -
Truth be told, buttering bread is pretty tactical. There's a lot of things that can go wrong if you do not do it right. Think about it, what if you're applying the butter, and it slides off and falls on the floor. Then you try to pick it up with the knife, and it slides off again. Then you rush to catch it mid-air and hit the blade right in the foot. And as we know, in COD, a Knife in the foot could be pretty deadly. -
A sniper bullet does sound like it's packed with ruthless force, especially in Call of Duty, where it's possible to hit multiple targets with one shot. However, window glass isn't multiple targets, nor is it the main enemy, so who cares if it takes two attempts to break it? -
Seeing how America loves fast food, is it a complaint that multiple levels are set around a Burger King-styled fast food restaurant? Defend Burger Town at all costs. -
The man's greatest friend is an even better bodyguard. It is true, but as prideful as this sounds, please keep your dogs at bay. -
This meme is not just Call of Duty specific, but a game-specific meme instead. Playing video games is just as hard as anything else since there are multiple risks involved. Do it too less, and you're left completely unsatisfied due to the shortage of time. Do it too much, and you're left completely unsatisfied due to the wastage of time. -
Can there anyone be a true genius in a video game? There can be players with more experience than others, but a true genius? A true genius is people like Albert Einstein, Newton, Hawkings, or Tesla. It's not Jimmy from high school who has the 100th best speedrun in a random game. -
It's just not cool to open random folders made by someone else. Who knows what you can find in there? It could be private files, pictures, poems, pirated software, or a 1 terabyte worth of porn. Maybe for the latter, it's worth exploring, though. -
Soap McTavish was one of the greatest Call of Duty characters ever and for a very specific reason. It is not the fact that he gave his life in the most anti-climatic way or the fact that he's been the main part of the Modern Warfare trilogy. It's his Mohawk, the ultimate hairstyle. -
While most people would freak out at the word "Bomb" at an airport, gamers would be afraid of a different thing entirely. "No Russian" is the most controversial mission in Modern Warfare's history. No wonder it can turn any Call of Duty player into a sponge bob. -
Military commands can be complicated. I mean, how is someone who's not in the military suppose to decode phrases like Soup sandwich, Zero dark thirty, Charlie Foxtrot, Digit Midget, etc. -
Private James Ramirez is the protagonist of the United States campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This is why it's almost weird that the man disappears in MW3. He is W.I.A but alive, so that the least Infinity Ward could've done is include him in the main story instead of ignoring him like he never existed. -
There's never a bad time to get high. But if there's a kind of not-so-good time, it's on a national mission while trying to save a whole nation. That is when you shouldn't smoke up. -
The action in Call of Duty is certainly over-the-top, and Modern Warfare 2 is the game that really pushed the bar. The cinematic work in the game is top-notch for its time, but it's kind of funny from a realistic point of view. -
The other funny thing about Call of Duty games is that the main character has to do everything important in a mission, from defending a position to taking down a helicopter. At the same time, the A.I. allies shoot bullets randomly. -
Be it Call of Duty or any other shooter. There's always that one guy that literally helps the enemy team win. Be it by dying a lot or by not killing at all. -
When Call of Duty: Ghosts first appeared, everyone was talking about the addition of dogs. In fact, it became a meme that the only new thing in the game is the inclusion of dogs. -
So it's obvious why people expected that there would be things like a dog launcher or the alternate killstreak of dog nukes. -
The hard-drive meme returns, and it's hilarious than ever. Remember when games were so fun and would fit on a 4.5GB DVD? Now, they are the entire hard drive and still filled with bugs and the same old rinse and repeat gameplay. I mean, what's the point of next-gen consoles if they can only hold four games like Call of Duty Warzone? -
Spawn points are a big problem in the small maps of Call of Duty. But all of this doesn't even come close to the spawn-killing in Call of Duty Mobile. It's insanely unbalanced. -
Not bad logic. Have no fans, and you've got nothing to lose. This seems to be Activision's motto, especially since they've been putting bare minimum efforts into the story and even releasing games without campaigns now. -
This is true not just for Call of Duty but literally every military shooter like it. People love to reload. Some people shoot one bullet and reload. That's just gun abuse. -
This one is honestly old by now, but it still hits right in the feels. What is Infinity Ward doing? What is Treyarch doing? The answer to that is increasing the install sizes. -
This is totally not wrong. Most high-leveled players care less about what they wear because they know every corner and gun in the game by this time. -
Games do teach people about guns. But as for Call of Duty games, it is just limited to the visuals. -
Call of Duty games is all about being a solo warrior. Despite the developer's added efforts, CoD players are bred to think and play a game filled with running and gunning. If you want teamwork, go to the Rainbox Six Siege servers. -
Multiplayer game modes can be pretty stressful. But in Call of Duty, they are mostly a cakewalk for veterans. Unless it's searching and destroy, that's when everybody loses their sh*t. -
Now it seems COD has fallen off. The market is chock-full of FPS shooters, and while the core audience is still pretty die-hard about Warzone, we don't suspect this hype (?) will last. So pour one out for a game that taught us what it feels like to receive death threats from 13-year-olds.
- 30 Funny Memes Tracing the Evolution of COD
- 37 Choice Pics and Memes For True Aficionados
Call of Duty has been since 2003 and according to UberFacts, has been played (a cumulative time) longer than humans have existed. There are few games that have defined the FPS shooter genre like COD, and even fewer games, except maybe Skyrim, which have affected memes. So while these aren't all the COD memes in the world, these are some that show just how long COD players have expressed their feeling about their favorite, and at times least favorite game.